Motor Vehicle Legal Plan


Did you know?


  • Driving on a suspended/revoked driver's license now a crime punishable by jail?
  • Conviction of drug possession will result in a driver's license suspension/revocation regardless of whether or not a motor vehicle was involved?
  • A judgment involving a motor vehicle accident will result in the suspension of your driver's license?
  • Arrest for DWI results in the immediate suspension of your license pending prosecution? (And possibly the seizure of your car!)
  • There is no such thing as a restricted or conditional CDL?


The Roadside Assistance Legal Plan was designed to keep America moving. A nationwide network of over 20,000 attorneys in all 50 states has contracted to provide plan members with free and discounted legal care.


The Roadside Assistance Legal Plan allows members and their family to access the plan attorneys through a toll free member services line. Upon placing a call to member services members will be referred to a plan attorney based on area of law, language and location.


Membership includes the member, spouse, any children and any dependents living with the member that may be financially dependent upon them, such as a parent or grandparent.


Roadside Assistance Legal Plan members are entitled to the following legal services for free.


Free Services:*

Each of the following free services is provided to our members without limit to the number of new legal issues they can use the plan for.


  • Free face to face and over the phone consultations for each new legal matter
  • Free letters written on your behalf
  • Free phone calls made on your behalf
  • Free review of legal documents (6 pages per document)


Discounted Services:**


Member Rate
Non Member Rate
Traffic Ticket Defense


A plan attorney will review your case, consult with you and plan your defense. The plan attorney will also accompany you and/or represent you in traffic court.


Capped Hourly Rate

Legal Plan attorneys have contracted to never charge more than $125.00 per hour, or when appropriate, give members a 40% discount off their usual and customary hourly rate, for all legal care that goes beyond the free and discounted services. Our plan attorneys handle all traffic related legal areas. Some examples are;


  • Vehicular Negligence
  • License Revocation and Reinstatement
  • Criminal & Civil Lawsuits
  • And Much, Much More…


Contingency Fee Discounts

Plan attorneys often work on a contingency fee basis for cases involving personal injury. This fee is usually expressed as a percentage of the amount collected or awarded. In these matters, your plan attorney has agreed to reduce his or her contingency fee by 10%. As such, should you win your law suit and money be awarded to you, more of that money will go into your pocket.


With the assistance of a qualified plan attorney you could avoid prosecution, penalties, revocation of your license and in some cases incarceration.


A qualified plan attorney can assist you in avoiding these pit falls. If you make your living on the road, you and your family can't afford to be without a driver's license.


* In many states Attorney liability may require Plan Attorneys to obtain a retainer from the member prior to providing some of the free member benefits.


**The fees listed above do not include additional filing fees, costs, or administrative expenses. They are only for legal services rendered.



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